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African-American History Course


This elective course will provide students an overview of the history of Africans and their descendants movements to America. Using the content standards for Florida’s Social Sciences as a framework for instruction, the objective of this course is for students to develop an understanding and appreciation of African American History. Learners in this course will fill the historical gap of the American History framework as this experience will be examined beginning in Africa and will extend to the history of blacks in America. The complex interaction of learning will be an interdisciplinary approach to explore the historical, geographical, political, cultural, economic, and social forces that shape our understanding of the African American realities of the past and present. Varieties of texts and local community resources will be used to provide applicable, real-world examples related to the content. Classes will comprise discussions, exercises, lectures, film screenings, media and textual analysis.

At the end of this course students will:

Appreciate the richness, diversity and contributions of African Americans to the national and international world

Gain self-improvement and a wider lens of the issues and challenges faced in today’s society

Indorse the contributions of African Americans as an integral part of the work and energy of American people

Cultivate a deeper knowledge of key African Americans that have impacted events and ideas, ultimately shaping the history of America

Be better equipped for college or career choices

Fall School Enrollment is Open NOW!

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