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Credit Recovery

Our School Program

With South Florida Educational Center instruction and support services, students have an alternative to attending a brick-and-mortar program, forgoing the typical logistical challenges. With SFEC High School, students can directly enroll into several virtual courses to catch up or get ahead.

Academic Services support staff enrolls students, monitors their progress, and communicates with a designated school official. 
Certified teachers provide feedback to students, hold office hours, and are available via an academic hotline.

Communication between the student and certified teacher are available in real-time, as well as student progress and attendance, through our Student Information System.

Upon completion of the course, the school can award the credits or request official transcripts from South Florida Educational Center.

This is ideal for students needing to recover credits as well as those looking to take accelerated courses or electives that they are unable to take during the school year at their traditional high school.

  1.  Support staff enrolls students, monitors student progress and communicates with designated school officials.
  2. Certified teachers provide synchronous feedback to students, hold office hours for credit-bearing courses, and are available throughout the summer via our Academic Hotline.
  3. Educators can see in real-time all communications between the student and the SFEC certified teacher, as well as student progress and attendance through our portal.
  4. Upon completion of the course the school can award credits or request official transcripts.

Students can enroll directly into South Florida Educational Center to take one or more of nearly 100 high school courses offered over a 13-week period during the summer. Students receive credits from SFEC or can have the credits transferred to their local school.


Credit Recovery

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