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Tuition and Fees

On average, high school graduates can earn over $8,100 per year than non-graduates.1 At South Florida Educational Center we charge up front fees for various diploma pathways. No hidden fees or monthly subscriptions with access to a quality, private school education that will help you reach your goals. Our tuition is based on state certified teachers giving one-on-one student interaction throughout your course, student advisors to assist SFEC students on individuals plans of academic success, and school leaders that can help each student navigate their way to a high school diploma!

Enrollment fee is only $50! Enroll today!

Credit Recovery Course

24 Credit Standard Diploma

Earn your high school diploma to enter a career or higher education! 

18 Credit Career Diploma

per student annually

Core and Electives Courses

Honors and Advanced Courses

Offline High School Diploma

1Based on the National Center for Education Statistics, Annual Earnings by Educational Attainment, May 2022. https://nces.ed.gov/programs/coe/indicator/cba/annual-earnings